No diets, deprivation, or making it complicated!
But when you DO learn it, an entirely new world opens up for you!
If you wanna finally have an AWESOME relationship with food and your body this is gonna be the most exciting message you’ll ever read.
Here’s why!
I’m about to share with you…
You are no longer controlled by food.
You are a badass who knows exactly what, when + how much to eat with total self-trust.
You become more relaxed. More confident. More yourself in all areas of your life.
All the energy that used to be consumed by obsession is freed up to be, do + have everything you've been actually hungry for all this time.
But when the choice is to feel or not feel and we have rewired our nervous system for safety and pleasure in feeling...
You realize what you're truly made of and what this miracle of a life is all about. In short, you become unstoppable.
The NeuroSomatic Method I outline on this page requires a shift away from the old paradigm of how to address food and body issues.
Things like dieting, macros tracking, calorie counting, intense workout regimens, prescribed food protocols, meal plans, elimination of all "junk" foods, etc...
None of these things ACTUALLY work because they're not sustainable and often trigger the nervous system to AUTOMATICALLY sense food scarcity and past diet trauma, which will DRIVE overeating, emotional eating, and binge eating.
Emphasis on the word "automatically"...
This is something that happens regardless of your determination and desire to change.
SO! If you're not willing to accept the possibility of a 180 in perspective, this new approach just isn't gonna work for you.
Without meaning to sound harsh [I say this with love in my heart], the best thing to do would be to find someone who will be the "expert" of your body... someone who will give you a cookie-cutter prescription to follow.
These are the Core 4 Skill Sets for Food + Body Freedom: Food Skills, Feeling Skills, "Fail Forward" Skills, and Fun Skills. Here's a breakdown of how it works...
When you have the Core 4 Skill Sets from the NeuroSomatic Method for Food and Body Freedom...
😜 Then you can say "goodbye" to feeling out of control with food.
🥳 You can say "see ya never" to all the diets and complicated old school approaches that actually TRIGGER overeating.
🤗 And you can finally say "sayanara!" to being stuck in the same endless cycles of binge/restrict and lose weight/gain weight.
...and it's the exact same method that helped me create an AWESOME relationship with food and my body with the natural byproduct of losing 50 lbs and maintaining that for well over 10 years!
It's just 4 steps...
The fun skills are right off the hop in our work together because...
➡️ Our nervous system has an actual need for fun, novelty, and play in order to effectively learn and integrate new things [this is why when we learn things without fun, we don't retain anything or lose interest and give up]
➡️ So, we're not just having fun for the sake of having fun - there's also a science of behavior change that necessitates it.
➡️ It's a gamechanger to do this journey in a way that's aligned with your values so you don't lose yourself like you may have in the past with dieting and strict regimes.
➡️ Here we focus on expanding our life beyond food and body issues so we can stop being hyper-focussed on chasing the carrot of a perfect physique and become so outside focused that you have to make your life small in order to stay on track with the "regimen" and in the meantime totally lose track of yourself and the fun of what life is really about!
The NeuroSomatic Method teaches you a step-by-step process for having fun all along the journey, plus, I've gamified the program itself by putting it in the framework of a challenge with prizes, accountability, and regenerative motivation to keep going!
The food skills are learning all the things we coulda woulda shoulda learned about food and eating when we were growing up...
➡️ Like how to tune into your body to know exactly WHEN to eat, WHAT to eat, HOW MUCH to eat, and HOW to eat.
➡️ Yes, I said HOW to eat. Most of us eat very fast, distracted, standing up, anxious, basically disembodied and not in the full pleasure experience that we could be that would allow for satiation, digestion, and the sense of satisfaction that can allow us to move on from eating.
➡️ You won't be receiving a prescribed meal plan or a list of "good" and "bad" foods.
➡️ You also won’t be learning “intuitive eating," a method that has been helpful for many people, but wasn't helpful for me personally.
Instead, you will learn the power of STRATEGIC eating so you can eat whatever you want in a way that works for your body where you have full body authority to choose. This is a completely individual approach to eating that you can carry forward your whole life as your body changes over time.
The feeling skills are skills that will not only help you with food and body freedom, they will help you in literally every area of life...
➡️ Continuing practicing the NeuroSomatic Tuning technique to rewire your nervous system and associate feelings and urges to eat with SAFETY
➡️ Learn the power of Somatic Work and how to properly feel and process any emotion through your body [without eating over them]
➡️ Get trained in the 3 somatic practices that work with your nervous system to PREVENT the urge to overeat.
I always say: prevention is our most powerful line of defense because if you can imagine preventing the urge to overeat from even coming up - that's so much easier than when an urge to overeat has already come up, right?
This is the GIFT that all people on a food freedom journey are are lucky enough to experience: we HAVE to learn how to bravely feel and process our emotions, which ultimately serves you in all areas of life. We are emotional beings, so literally every single thing we do is emotional. So if you're not afraid of any emotion, ANYTHING is possible for you in your life. You will be among a very small portion of the population who gain this ability.
This skillset is absolutely essential for anyone who has struggled with perfectionism or all-or-nothing mentality...
➡️ This is for you if you have ever found yourself saying you're gonna have 1 but then you have 3, so you’re like, "I already messed up, I might as well keep going."
➡️ Here you'll learn a process that allows you to be able to be human, because let's be honest - there's gonna be a time when you overeat.
I even still overeat sometimes! At this point it's always by accident, like i just suddenly realize - "I'm full! Oops!" But i don't struggle anymore with that overwhelming urge to overeat or planning overeating like I used to.
What's cool about this technique is that once you learn it, when you overeat, you will actually be propelled forward with your results even FASTER than if you hadn’t overeaten. The fail forward process is absolutely incredible. I can't wait for you to get this!!
This unique method is your roadmap to end the struggle with overeating, emotional eating, and binge eating.
It is a proven system with science-based skills to help you create the relationship with food and your body that you've always wanted... without the obsession, restriction, and crazy cardio.
Now you've already seen how the most effective way is to rewire your nervous system for food and body freedom with NeuroSomatic Tuning and by mastering the core 4 skill sets that are laid out step by step in The NeuroSomatic Method.
Imagine getting to the NEXT LEVEL of your personal evolution... easier, more effectively, sustainably, and with more fun than ever. 🙌
When I discovered NeuroSomatic Tuning and the NeuroSomatic Method, EVERYTHING CHANGED FOR ME.
But truly committing everyday to implementing these habit-rewiring techniques can be hard.
For starters, there's no where else you can get this information.
And even if there were, doing it all by yourself could take years of trial and error and tens of thousands of dollars wasted on distractions and promises of quick fixes and complicated solutions that don't address the actual root problem [like what I did for almost 2 decades!].
You don't have to worry about trying to figure out how to do it on your own or be led by "weight loss experts" who don't know anything about emotional eating issues, diet trauma, the nervous system, or the science of human behavior change.
All you have to do is implement The NeuroSomatic Method that I'm about to give you!
And by "implement," I mean... you take my proven framework, processes, techniques, and coaching support...
If it IS, then I can help you. 🧚🏻♀️
Getting amazing results and actually pulling this off is - like most things - harder than it looks.
And totally transforming your relationship with food and your body takes time and energy.
Learning all the skills in The NeuroSomatic Method takes about one month. But in order for me to really help you, I need to work with you personally each week for 3 months.
Because we don't change by "learning"... we change by IMPLEMENTING over and over and over again.
So as you can see this is a commitment for those who are SO DONE with the struggle and are really and truly ready to change this area of life.
It's not for people who are kinda sorta interested. It's for people who are effing READY. [And yes, you're allowed to be scared and have doubt AND also be ready].
If you're interested in working together...
I'm looking for a few soulmate clients to join an exclusive private group called...
The Feelings Challenge Mastermind is for anyone who has struggled with overeating, emotional eating, or binge eating and is ready to be DONE with it to move into a new identity of food + body freedom.
If that's YOU, I'd be over the MOON for you to join us!
Here you’ll get full instant access to The NeuroSomatic Method for Food and Body Freedom which includes the Core 4 Skill Sets that are ESSENTIAL to changing your relationship with food and your body. You'll also get extensive training in NeuroSomatic Tuning so you can master this method on your own without being dependent on anyone other than YOU once you've graduated.
The lessons are divided into bite-sized lessons organized week to week so you'll never get bogged down or overwhelmed with what to do and it's all in the exact order necessary to make your changes in the fastest and most effective way possible.
The Food + Feels membership is where we'll work closely together through our weekly Somatic Shift Coaching Calls.
Here we'll be able to address YOUR specific challenges with somatic and experiential coaching week to week so you’ll always be making progress.
Somatics works on the level of the nervous system, which can be much more effective than traditional therapy and coaching because it's the nervous system that’s really running the show when it comes to our mindset, habits, and true behavior change.
Plus! You'll be a part of the Food + Feels Fam, which is an amazing group of the most loving, supportive people you'll ever meet.
As one of my clients put it: "I came for the new relationship with food, but I'm staying for the community."
The Feelings Challenge is everything above in a strategically gamified mastermind so your journey to food + body freedom is fail proof this time: No Badass Left Behind!
The challenge is simple...
Your mission, should you choose to accept it:
Create an awesome relationship with food and your body
Feel your feelings [instead of eating over them]
Put all that freed up energy from not having a struggle towards an expansive and fun life!
As you progress through the challenge, you will unlock all kinds of bonuses and prizes! Some are listed below!
Here's what you get:
Unlimited coaching through our very own app.
Literally reach out ANY TIME, day or night for support between coaching calls.
Perfect for when you have a crazy craving or have your hand on a third serving of ice cream!
You can't not fail with that level of support!
Total value: $1200
Before Nov 6th: $0... yes, FREE!
"I mean, that coaching you gave! I was so impressed!"
"I'm really impressed with everything, I mean that coaching you gave! I was so impressed with what we were able to uncover. " - Anna
Here's what you get:
1:1 somatic shift coaching call with Kendra
All the shifts and results focussed on YOU for an entire hour.
Total value: $250
Before Nov 6th: $0... again, FREE!
"You're an amazing facilitator."
"You're an amazing facilitator. Something I'm sure I'll repeat many times over throughout the next 3+ months. When I say "facilitator" I mean it in the true meaning of the root word which means to make easy." - Becky
Get one 1:1 somatic shift coaching call when you sign up before the countdown expires. All the shifts and results focussed on you. Just you and me, baby! [$250 value]
The Release Ritual is a guided practice to let go of the past and make room for a new identity as someone who does. not. struggle. anymore. [$597 value]
This process allows you to activate your Future Self to truly find and create the person you are becoming all along the way. No waiting to be that person years from now for a a time that never comes. You can be that future self NOW. [$397 value]
Calling all perfectionists, procrastinators, and people pleasers out there - this is for you! This is a life-changing process to return to self, to get sh*t done, and do it for YOU from love + bravery! And yes, this process crushes that habitual use of emotional eating that happens when we're failing at being perfect. [$197 value]
This is a step by step journey to truly embody confidence in whatever shape and size you are right now and all along the way. This is key to forever body freedom - especially as we age! [$297 value]
The HELP library is an a la carte library of guided somatic practices for any challenge that could come up on the journey that you can access anytime you need help. [$497 value]
🙌 That's $3,435 in FREE GIFTS just for enrolling before Feb 3rd!!
The first option: You can go it alone.
But here's what concerns me about that. If you're anything like me, you've spent years going between doing it alone or hiring people and programs that don't address the root issue.
The way that's full of false promises that it's the "fast" way, but it's the slow way. It's the slow way because when you don't address the root, you will end up gaining the weight back, plus some.
And... you end up with an even worse relationship with food, your body, and yourself. Because it's just yet another "failed attempt" you can add to the list. And another year spinning in the struggle.
The second option: We do it TOGETHER.
It'll be faster in the long run because you'll be on a steady trajectory of evolution to food and body freedom [no more circles to nowhere].
It will also be less expensive... because you won't be sucked into the endless rabbit hole of traditional approaches that keep you dependent on them for success.
The NeuroSomatic Method is a TRAINING so you become TRAINED in mastering the skills and rewiring your nervous system from the inside out. This means you get to carry all of that inner growth and change into the future.
You become the expert of your own body now and for the rest of your life.
I'm VERY mindful about who can join the group, and I've got a pretty strict [but purposeful] set of criteria that needs to be met in order for us to proceed in the journey together.
The Feelings Challenge Mastermind is for you if...
You're ready to start focussing on creating an awesome relationship with food and your body.
You're ready for a non-traditional approach that addresses the root issue.
You're willing to learn and actually implement new skills.
You want to eat what you want, when you want so you can learn true body authority.
You want to learn how to be embodied and connected with your emotions.
You want to feel confident, free, and empowered in this area of life so you can show up even more fully in ALL areas of your life!
You trust in doing this journey as a part of a community with accountability with others who "get it"
You wanna have more FUN!!
The Feelings Challenge Mastermind is NOT for you if...
You aren’t interested in community vibes and want 1:1 coaching [that would be a different program that I can share with you - very similar but just 1:1]
You won’t take an hour each week to learn the skills and a few minutes each day to implement the NeuroSomatic Method techniques.
You want a quick fix, meal plan, or macros and calorie targets assigned to you.
You don’t want to focus on your relationship with food and your body and just want to focus on losing weight fast
You want to be told what to do and what to eat.
You don’t wanna have fun.
That's it!
Those are my requirements.
So, if you feel like you resonate with all this...
The Feelings Challenge is by invitation and I've created a super easy application process to make sure we're a soulmate fit for each other.
Here's how it works:
Click on the yellow button
Select a time for our Food Freedom Soulmate Session.
During our call, we'll talk allllll about you and what's been going on for you, we'll figure out what's been keeping you stuck, and what's gonna be the BEST path to move forward!
We'll also get super clear on what you WANT and where you wanna be!
If this isn't the right fit - no worries! I specialize in a very specific problem with a very specific solution. So, we'll part as friends, and I'll do my best to point you in a direction that WILL be supportive for you. If this IS the right fit - eeee! We'll get you signed up with immediate access to all the transformational trainings and I'll be VERY excitedly awaiting our first call together!!
Here’s why…
Today you can get The Feelings Challenge Mastermind and all the amazing bonuses worth over $3,000.
But once these spots are full [before Nov 6], I won't be accepting any more people.
This isn’t false scarcity - I genuinely don't have enough capacity as a one-woman show to offer this level of personalized attention to a large group.
So, please don’t miss this while I'm still putting it out there in this way.
Just shoot me an email, and we'll figure out how to support you in finally feeling the freedom you've been ACTUALLY hungry for.
That sound alright?
Super corny, but you've got nothing to lose... and a life of food and body freedom to gain.
a life where you finally feel free to enjoy this miracle of a life from the inside out so you can be the badass you were born to be!
If I can do it, ANYONE can.